College Station Teen Sets Power Lifting Record with 850lbs
So, I workout on regular basis. I do some cardio followed by weight training, alternating upper and lower body, each session. Considering that I never worked out like this since high school over twenty years ago, I think I'm doing pretty good.
But seeing this story makes me really want to step up my game.
ksat.com introduces us to Clifford “Quad” Chambers (perfect nickname by the way), of Rudder High School in College Station. He has set the state power lifting record at 850 pounds.
850 pounds!
On average, "Quad" lifted, basically, four grown men at once. But he just considers it "another lift." He told ksat.com,
It’s kind of just what I do. I look at 850 as I will look at 800. I had that same mindset. It’s just another lift. That’s how I went into the situation.
Clifford discovered his talent as a freshman when he squatted 500 pounds. From there, he just kept training and got stronger and stronger.
Mad props to "Quad." Keep it up dude. Maybe we'll see you on a World's Strongest Man competition sometime.
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