City of Longview Answers Dozens of Residents on ‘Ask a Stupid Question Day’
What'd our teachers use to tell us in elementary school? "There's no such thing as a stupid question." Yeah, that's a lie.
My buddy Eddie T. found out that there are indeed stupid questions when he asked our 6th grade geography teacher, in all seriousness, "Can you see the equator from space?" I didn't laugh, everyone else did though.
And I learned something very important that day: there is such a thing as a stupid question. It's a lesson I've carried with me ever since.
The thing is too often you don't realize the level of stupidity of your question until after the words exit your mouth, and your classmates start laughing at you calling you "professor."
We can be honest here, we all know that it's not always easy to ask a question. Especially in front of people. I remember my 2nd grade teacher told us "if you have a question, ask it. Chances are someone else has the same question."
Yeah, right. I'm not falling for that, Ms. Pinkston. No one's ironically calling me "professor" today.
Today is "Ask a Stupid Question Day," but at the City of Longview, we don't think there are any stupid questions! Y'all blew us away the past two years with your great questions. Let's have another great year. So, what is something you've always wondered about the City and haven't asked? Post your question in the comments and we will respond throughout the day!
The City of Longview took to social media to answer questions from its citizens, something they have done for the past two years. They've answered dozens of questions so far, and I imagine they'll continue answering as more come in. All well thought out ones too, Longview has some good-question-askers.
It was refreshing to see so much transparency. It was also nice to see so many brave people, just putting it all out there on the line asking great questions, including:
"Why is South Longview so neglected?"
"What are we doing about our growing homeless population?"
"Can the traffic light timing at the following intersections be increased:"
"Has the Mayor’s Homeless Task Force disbanded?"
The City of Longview Answers Dozens of Residents on 'Ask a Stupid Question Day'
Maybe the saying should be something more along the lines of "even stupid questions are relevant." Eddie T. is a scientist and works for NASA now, by the way.