Both Texas Governor Candidates Say They Want Weed Legalized, But Will It Happen?
Both Are Talking A Good Game But Will It Really Happen?
The Governor's Mansion is up for grabs once again and the two main protagonists this year are Greg Abbott, who is seeking his third term, and Democrat Beto O'Rourke who has ran for several different offices in Texas including nearly unseating Ted Cruz as Senator. While the state has a ton of issues to address, O'Rourke just made a "promise" that will likely resonate with Texans regardless of party, but the question is will it really happen?
O'Rourke Promises Marijuana Legalization
According to KCEN, after clinching the Democratic nomination for Texas governor, Beto O'Rourke took the stage and promised his supporters in attendance that he will push for the legalization of marijuana across the state. With more and more Texas voters favoring decriminalization, O'Rourke's "promise" could be the issue that sways voters in the fall. The thing is, O'Rourke's opponent favors it too.
Governor Abbott Says He's In Favor Of Decriminalization Too, But We're Not Sure What To Make Of His Stance.
As for the incumbent Abbott, his stance is a little bit more murky and also full of "politician talk". Back in January, he was asked about his stance and here's what he had to say according to the Fort Worth Star-Telegram:
As Governor, I spoke with parents whose children have epilepsy and autism, veterans, and others who have made a strong compelling case about legalizing marijuana. I even signed a law that legalized CBD oil and other CBD products to help children with epilepsy and others. I have seen, however, from other states that have legalized marijuana that there are abuses that take place that raise concerns. However, one thing I don’t want to see is jails stockpiled with people who were convicted with possession of small amounts of marijuana. I remain open to talking with the legislature about reducing the penalties of possession of small amounts of marijuana from a Class B misdemeanor to a Class C misdemeanor.
Now from what I gather from this statement, Abbott is clearly trying to play both sides which means he's still on the fence about it. In this statement he's talking both "pros and cons" because while he knows that this is being demanded by voters, he doesn't want to alienate folks in his party who still believe in locking folks up for it.
Its a simple question: Should we legalize weed like every other state around us is doing? Yes or no? But one thing he did point is this....
These Are The Folks Who Will Probably Have The Final Say:
At the end of the day, the Legislature will have the final say because it will take them voting on this to make it happen. What is your state's rep stance on legalization? If you want to see change, start there, because despite any promises both of these candidates make, the final call will still be up to the Texas Legislature.
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