A Cat Houdini Resides at a Houston Animal Shelter
Cats can be sneaky little punks sometimes. One cat in particular does not like to be confined. His name is Quilty and he likes to let himself out and bring some friends along during his escape according to cbsnews.com.
Quilty resides at the Friends For Life Animal Rescue and Adoption Organization shelter in Houston. His escape attempts got so frequent that he had to be placed into "solitary confinement" in the lobby. But he somehow managed to escape even that.
His exploits were even recorded on the Friends For Life Animal Rescue and Adoption Organization Facebook page.
You can read below the pictures of all of Quilty's antics while at the shelter.
Quilty even has his own Instagram page.
But good news does abound as Quilty may be getting a forever home. He is on a trial run with a potential family. Here's to hoping Quilty doesn't try any of his escape antics while with his humans. The potential suitors say he is a delight so this may be a happy ending.