Yesterday, I had the pleasure of sending out the details regarding the 22 largest employers in Tyler, and after I was done I thought I should show Longview the same respect. There is no doubt that almost every company across East Texas is looking to hire some employees, but it's always interesting to see what companies have the most employees in our area. With the help of the Longview Economic Development Corporation I have a list of the 22 largest employers around Longview.

It's amazing at some of the tactics companies or hiring managers are using to seek out new employees. I was actually stopped in a Target store here in East Texas asked if I was looking for a job because his company was looking to hire. I politely declined the man, but thought it was interesting to see the different tactics that are now being used to recruit.

Here is a look at 22 of the largest employers in the Longview area:

Here is a Look at 22 of the Biggest Employers in Longview

If you're wondering who are the largest employers in the Longview, TX area, here is a look at the 22 largest employers:

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Longview House with Storm Shelter and Waterslide

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