Report of 17 Business in Jacksonville, TX with Windows Shot Out
As I was scrolling through social media over the weekend there was one post in a Jacksonville, Texas group that made me stop scrolling. It was a local business owner posting a photo of one of her businesses windows which was shattered and in pieces on the sidewalk in front of her store. A broken window is annoying but can be fixed. But finding out that this is the 17th business in Jacksonville that had dealt with this issue is enough to make any business owner lose their mind.
As if these business owners didn't have enough to worry about already trying to keep their doors open, but now they have to worry about random acts of vandalism. Let's just hope they catch whoever is doing this very soon so they can pay for the damages they have caused.
There is a Little Evidence That Police Have
With cameras popping up more and more as of late, I really think it's only a matter of time until this person is caught. What Jacksonville police officers know at this point is that the windows are being shot out by a high powered b.b. gun.
All Jacksonville Citizens Need to Keep An Eye Out
Because there is no description of the suspect or their vehicle at this time everyone in the Jacksonville area need to keep an eye out. This type of behavior needs to be stopped, if you see something that looks suspicious make sure law enforcement is aware of it.