april fools day

7 Great April Fool’s Day Pranks on the Internet
7 Great April Fool’s Day Pranks on the Internet
7 Great April Fool’s Day Pranks on the Internet
It's April Fool's Day today (no, seriously!), which in recent years has morphed into God's gift to the Internet. Today, sites everywhere are doing their best to prank unsuspecting users, and we'll be the first to admit that we've fallen for a few of them. (Thanks, Google!) As such, we've pulled together the best jokes and gags across the web that will have you laughing all the way to April 2. Read
April Fools High Jinx [PHOTOS]
April Fools High Jinx [PHOTOS]
April Fools High Jinx [PHOTOS]
Have you got your April Fools Day prank planned yet?  This prank is very detailed, and takes a while to pull off, but the payoff is worth all the work.  How do I know?  Because it was done to me!  It wasn't April Fools Day, but I can't think of a better day to plan it.  More after the jump.
Funny Party Game to Play [VIDEO]
Funny Party Game to Play [VIDEO]
Funny Party Game to Play [VIDEO]
Need a new decent game for the next Party that will make people go crazy? Try this one out!! April Fool's Day is coming up -- so you may to keep this in mind! Jeff (my boss) made me put it after the jump because even though it's NOT in English you can tell they are cussing up a storm.