For the same price you could buy a small home, you could get an entire ghost town from a Craigslist ad. That is right, an entire ghost town for the price of a house. Why are we not all jumping on this chance?

For 225,000 dollars, you could own a 12-acre gold mining ghost town in Northern California. 

This once historic gold mining ghost town is just a bit up the road from Lake Tahoe and comes complete with three small cabins, a bar called the Gin Mill and a liquor license. All of that, in such a great location for such a low cost!

Sure, there are no utilities, the buildings on the property are not as new anymore and need some love. Who cares that access to this ghost town is totally dependent on the weather? You could OWN a ghost town!

Want more information and see some pictures of the place? Click right here.


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