Happy anniversary to everyone who got married on 7-7-07! And there are still several good wedding dates left in 2020 for those who appreciate (okay, geek out about) numbers.
Congratulations! Now before you head down to the jeweler and buy your love the biggest ring you can afford, let's take a look the various cut and style options.
The numbers today are just too good to pass up. Wanna get married? Today is one of the most popular wedding dates of 2020, and it's the second killer anniversary date of the week.
Couples who tie the knot at Whataburger are just Texas cool. There's no other way to describe them. And this is your chance to join the club, and have the most memorable wedding ever.
October 10th is a pretty great date because 10-10 is so neat and tidy and even, and when you add the year 2020, well, it's going to be over-the-top fantastic for numbers geeks who want to get hitched. This is why you'd better book the wedding venue now.
The days of expensive weddings might be numbered if couples in their late twenties and early thirties have anything to say about it. Micro weddings are a lot cheaper, and they're gaining popularity.
Something new is happening with brides and grooms, and while it could be a fantastic new way to tie the knot, it may also really upset your grandma. Would you ever combine last names to invent a completely new one?
If you're tossing around a few possible dates for your wedding and you are dying to know which one is historically the most likely to have the perfect weather forecast, you gotta check this out. You could even cheat and use this tool to plan your next backyard barbecue.
It's been about a year, since my husband popped the question, and though we said 'I Do' several months ago, I'm still looking at Wedding Venues. Every girl loves to dream. Even if it's for her girlfriends!