based their finding on the following metrics:
Wallet "friendliness" or affordability for students
Social environment
Academic and economic opportunities
Football reigns supreme in Texas. Here in the Lone Star State Friday nights are revered and our young men in football pads exalted to legends in their hometowns. In fact as of last year, Texas is only second to Florida (by two players) as the state with the most players in the NFL.
Some feel paying $50K to players who are already "wined and dined" before signing makes their charitable efforts more transactional rather than sincere.
Last week, UT students in Austin took a stand against the controversial "campus carry" law with a sex toy protest nick-named "Cocks Not Glocks".
One week later, a Frisco man has posted a video, titled "Never Met Her", to YouTube and now the protest organizers are calling foul, insisting that the short film specifically targets them by name...