tom cruise

Tom Cruise Is Only Mostly Dead in the First Trailer for ‘The Mummy’
Tom Cruise Is Only Mostly Dead in the First Trailer for ‘The Mummy’
Tom Cruise Is Only Mostly Dead in the First Trailer for ‘The Mummy’
Every year, when the bottom drops out of the summer movie season and audiences decide to stay home and watch television instead, some well-meaning critic will publish an article asking if cinema is dead. And every year, I pose the same question in response: “Is Tom Cruise still an action star?” As long as Tom Cruise is running across multiplex screens — fighting rogue nations, government consiparcies, and even the occasional mummy — there is still hope for cinema. Then, when Cruise’s career is done and Hollywood is in ashes, then, cinema, you have my permission to die.
Tom Cruise’s Salary Negotiations Have Shut Down ‘Mission: Impossible 6’
Tom Cruise’s Salary Negotiations Have Shut Down ‘Mission: Impossible 6’
Tom Cruise’s Salary Negotiations Have Shut Down ‘Mission: Impossible 6’
At this point in his career, there shouldn’t be much cause for behind-the-scenes drama when it comes to Tom Cruise movies. Cruise wants to star in another Jack Reacher movie? Pay the man. Cruise wants to play a special forces operative fighting a centuries-old mummy? Pay the man. Cruise wants to release a movie where all he does is run for two hours? By all that is holy and good in this world, pay the man!
‘The Mummy’ Reboot’s Official Synopsis Teases Gods and Monsters and Tom Cruise
‘The Mummy’ Reboot’s Official Synopsis Teases Gods and Monsters and Tom Cruise
‘The Mummy’ Reboot’s Official Synopsis Teases Gods and Monsters and Tom Cruise
Just yesterday we learned that Russell Crowe is in talks to play Dr. Jekyll opposite Tom Cruise in The Mummy, and while Universal has yet to confirm that casting, they have released the first official synopsis for the reboot. The plot description makes some hefty promises for Alex Kurtzman’s directorial debut, which is meant to kickstart a new shared universe of action-packed horror movies based on the studio’s classic monsters.
Weekend Box Office Report: ‘Oblivion’ Obliterates the Competition
Weekend Box Office Report: ‘Oblivion’ Obliterates the Competition
Weekend Box Office Report: ‘Oblivion’ Obliterates the Competition
Tom Cruise and science fiction are a powerful combination. Although the opening weekend of 'Oblivion' didn't break any records big or small, it's a more than solid start for a non-franchise, non-sequel, non-reboot. That's a sad statement on the current state of Hollywood, but that's another topic for another day.
‘Top Gun 2′ Not Happening After All, Original Film Will Get 3D Re-Release
‘Top Gun 2′ Not Happening After All, Original Film Will Get 3D Re-Release
‘Top Gun 2′ Not Happening After All, Original Film Will Get 3D Re-Release
'Top Gun 2' was once a high priority at Paramount with Tom Cruise and director Tony Scott all set to return - some 25 years later - to classic 80s hit. A script was written and the studio head even said he expected that 'Top Gun 2' would happen before 'Mission: Impossible 5' but now that plans look to have come screeching to a halt and 'Top Gun 2' is grounded for good.
Report — Tom Cruise Used to Audition Girlfriends
Report — Tom Cruise Used to Audition Girlfriends
Report — Tom Cruise Used to Audition Girlfriends
It has long been rumored that Katie Holmes auditioned for the role of Tom Cruise’s missus via the controversial Church of Scientology, of which Cruise is a high-ranking member. That claim has been disputed, but a new blockbuster Vanity Fair article claims that Holmes wasn’t the first choice for Cruise’s wife.