Many roses will be gifted to those we love on February 14. Did you know that different colors of roses historically have come to have their own meaning?
Many roses will be gifted to those we love on February 14. Did you know that different colors of roses historically have come to have their own meaning?
Many roses will be gifted to those we love on February 14. Did you know that different colors of roses historically have come to have their own meaning?
Rose Season is well under way in Tyler. During the entire month of October, Tyler offers activities and workshops, all leading up to the renowned Texas Rose Festival October 19-22.
Some people call him the 'Tyler Rose Guy,' you've no doubt seen his parked van in a lot along South Broadway over the years selling dozens of Tyler Roses.
The flower of choice for Valentine's Day is without a doubt the rose. The rose symbolizes many different things and the color of the rose you chose to give to someone on Valentine's Day reveals a lot about how you feel about them. If you're planning on giving roses as a symbol of something this Valentine's Day - make sure you send the right color and the right message!
With Valentine's Day coming up Tuesday, here's a way to make your special someone feel extra special without them receiving the same identical looking flowers as everyone else in the office!