Kids lose math and reading skills over the summer. Now more than ever, it's important to do all we can to prepare kids for academic success. Make it fun!
Her photos of monkey pancakes, Minnie-inspired lunches, and VIP'S made out of pesto are funny, lovely, and delicious. Here are her artistic, edible creations...
One online entertainment site's poll results reveal what activities have been the most and least popular during the lock down. Some of these are encouraging.
It's one of the easiest, most cost-effective ways to expand your intellectual horizons. What to read? It could be almost anything. And don't forget audio books!
It's one of the easiest, most cost-effective ways to expand your intellectual horizons. What to read? It could be almost anything. And don't forget audio books!
A story about a magical school where kids learn how to battle darkness isn't really about that one school or that one kid facing down that one danger, is it?
If you haven't been to the Tyler Public Library lately, here's some incentive to head that way. There's a big advantage to growing up around books, and it sticks with us for life. But is it the tangible copies or the digital ones?