
Coats For Kids Distribution Day Is Saturday
Coats For Kids Distribution Day Is Saturday
Coats For Kids Distribution Day Is Saturday
Throughout the month of October, generous East Texans donated gently used and new coats to area dry cleaners who cleaned them donated them to Longview Community Ministries and P.A.T.H. Distribution day is coming for kids to receive one of these donated coats!
October Is ‘Coats For Kids’ Month
October Is ‘Coats For Kids’ Month
October Is ‘Coats For Kids’ Month
Cold weather will be here in East Texas before you know it and unfortunately, there will be kids right here in East Texas that will not have a coat (or jacket) to keep them warm this winter.  This is where we, as a community can come together to help those that can't afford a coat for their kids with the Coats For Kids coat drive.

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