It's the thought that counts. Unless the thought includes something that creates more work for mom and dad, or noise, or trash. There are some gifts that make parents cringe!
The pandemic is causing parents to reevaluate their careers, and that may lead to a huge upheaval in the professional world with lots of new job openings in East Texas.
Like many, I'm missing my Dad this week. If you are, too--sending love. If you still have Dad with you, let him know you love him. Moments go by so quickly.
It sure doesn't take long to wipe out the benefits of exercise. If the kids spend an hour or two playing a softball game and chase that with a bag of chips and a sugary sports drink, they're probably taking in more calories than they burn.
I made the kids sort through old toys last weekend and our donation pile turned out to be a mountain. And that makes me sad! It's not just the emotional attachment. It has much more to do with good ole parental guilt.