This Survey Reveals What Texas Moms REALLY want for Mother’s DayThis Survey Reveals What Texas Moms REALLY want for Mother’s DayDo you agree with the list?Iris LopezIris Lopez
The Smith County, TX Clerk & Her Son Arrested After Traffic StopThe Smith County, TX Clerk & Her Son Arrested After Traffic StopThe Wife & Son of A Smith County Precinct Commissioner And Another Man Were Arrested Recently After Allegedly Interfering With A Traffic Stop.Melz On The MICMelz On The MIC
TikTok Video Re-Enacts Texas Woman Dumping Boyfriend’s Mother’s AshesTikTok Video Re-Enacts Texas Woman Dumping Boyfriend’s Mother’s AshesWe're now learning that the video is "based on a true story" from nearly TWO YEARS AGO.Melz On The MICMelz On The MIC
Mother Arrested After Setting Fire To Her Car With Toddler InsideMother Arrested After Setting Fire To Her Car With Toddler InsideThere are headlines that make me down right mad. This is one of them, so buckle up for this story. Lauren MoyerLauren Moyer