If it becomes law, all professional sports teams in Texas with contracts with state government would have to play the National Anthem before their games.
Texting is taking over today's world and can oftentimes create communication problems because context is not always considered. Fortunately, Mark Cuban is included in the group of people who want to fix that and he's got a new app out that is a real game-changer.
The big "October Surprise" that Donald Trump promised would shake up the presidential election turned out just to the Donald looking for more attention.
Now another rich guy has joined the million dollar charity challenge. This time, however, it's Trump who's getting "double dog dared" to do something for money.
Could Charlie Sheen and Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban be thinking about teaming up? According to ESPN, the two have been in talks about possibly developing some programming for HDNet, a TV channel owned by Cuban. About the potential partnership, Cuban said, “You’ve got somebody that everybody has a whole lot of interest in who’s doing some interesting things, to say the least, and we alway