I was thinking of cute but bitchy women today that we just might say no to, only because they are out of this world high-maintenance. So, Kim Kardashian will battle against Lindsay Lohan in today's edition of 'Who Would You Rather?'.
Things got awkward really quick last night when Lindsay Lohan appeared on David Letterman (April 9). She hasn't done many interviews lately and I'm not quite sure why she agreed to do this one, but Letterman definitely didn't waste any time getting straight to the tough questions.
As if Lindsay Lohan's day couldn't get any worse, ABC Radio News is reporting that she's been charged with lying to the police in Santa Monica, CA in her case dating back to June when she was involved in a car accident.
There was a time in history when a Hollywood star was arrested it would be big news, well that's kinda true still, but becoming more routine for Lindsay Lohan it seems these days. She was arrested in New York City again this morning for fighting with another woman in a club.
Lindsay Lohan does all the things that should make a girl sexy, but we’re just not sure it’s working. She’s posing in front of the camera again -hold the groans- and her attempts at being a sex kitten are just kind of ZZZzzzzz. Again.
Actress Lindsay Lohan had a little surprise waiting for her when she arrived to a Los Angeles court yesterday. TMZ.com reports she was served with a lawsuit from a man who claims he communicated with her on Facebook and that she engaged in unfair business practices. Lindsay Lohan, dishonest? No way! Oh, and he also thinks she may be a prostitute, too.
Well that didn’t take very long now did it? One day after the cover made it’s way to the web, Lindsay Lohan’s Playboy spread is now available for interested eyes. Check out the NSFW images here.
Lindsay Lohan had a second round of nude photographs taken Friday for her upcoming ‘Playboy’ spread, thanks to magazine founder Hugh Hefner, who was worried that the results of the initial shoot were not in line with Playboy’s standards.
Lindsay Lohan and her father Michael Lohan can’t stop playing with fire.
Lindsay, although ordered to complete 16 hours of her community service sentence at the Los Angeles Coroner’s Office before her November 2 court appearance, will be spending some time in the next week posing for Playboy, says a source. And while she’s trying to fit this in before heading to court for possibly more time in jai
Lindsay Lohan is probably reporting to her new gig at the L.A. County morgue right about now. Fine. She probably isn’t, but, her latest court appearance brought with it at least one real guarantee– a new mugshot of LiLo for the world to enjoy.