Excedrin Recalled Due To Faulty Packaging, Child Poisoning ConcernsExcedrin Recalled Due To Faulty Packaging, Child Poisoning Concerns433,600 units of Excedrin products are subject to the recall.Lauren MoyerLauren Moyer
How I Cured Myself of MigrainesHow I Cured Myself of MigrainesI used to get migraine headaches six or eight times a month and they were completely debilitating. But they've vanished now, and I think it's because I made one simple lifestyle change. Jen AustinJen Austin
Lowering Your Caffeine Intake May Help With MigrainesLowering Your Caffeine Intake May Help With MigrainesThough there are caffeine-containing medicines on the market designed to help migraines, the study showed that ultimately, it may make things worse.Tara HolleyTara Holley