Gas prices have been relatively low all summer, and in Texas we've got some of the lowest prices in the country. They're about to get lower! Here's how low they'll go.
"Low" is a relative term. Everyone wishes gas prices were a buck a gallon, but at least prices are a lot lower than that $4 mark we flirted with several months ago.
Just about everyone is rejoicing with lower gas prices (except if you own a gas station). Prices have fallen considerably since the summer, when gas was around $3.39 to now $2.59 a gallon. I've even noticed a big change in the total at the pump when I go to fill up my truck and I appreciate it as does my bank account!
Have you driven by a Tyler gas station lately and done a double take to make sure you're not seeing things? Prices at some stations have dropped below the $3 mark. It seems odd to cheer for gas, but it kinda makes ya wanna say, "Woohoo!" Especially if you're traveling for Christmas.
In mid to late November, gas prices in East Texas were about 15 cents higher than they are now. A gallon o
You can always count on the true scum of the earth to capitalize financially on catastrophic events. The newest example: People on Craigslist selling gas for upward of $20 per gallon.
The chances of gas prices falling below the $3 mark anytime in the near future might seem unlikely, but analysts say that it could come close. Fuel costs, already dropping, are expected to continue to do so for the rest of the year.
Sure, California has its benefits. The weather is gorgeous, movie stars abound and there are plenty of hotties walking up and down the street.
But how can anyone afford to live there? Be glad you live in East Texas, where drivers are enjoying some of the cheapest gas in the country. Believe it!
If it seems like it’s costing more and more to fill up your gas tank, it’s not just your imagination.
On average, a gallon of fuel costs 22 cents more than it did at this time last year. Worse yet, experts think it’ll climb higher still.
I just heard a report this morning that says gas prices are expected to drop as much as 50 cents by this summer! Actually maybe as soon as June! This can't come soon enough. Gas is nearly $1.00 higher than it was at the beginning of the year, and the closer it gets to $4.00 per gallon, the less I am spending on other things that help keep the economy healthy. More after the jump.
With the recent military activity in Libya, gas prices are sure to soar. Here's a few tips on how to get the most out of your fill-up's. I already knew about a few of them, but a couple of these tips were eye-opening: