Cracker Barrel is the ultimate in comfort food. It's always fun to see new things added to their menu. The kids' menu will have some fun, new options, too.
NO really, they're delicious. AND they are good for you. I mean, as a dessert. I'm not saying they should replace your green smoothie, get me.
Maybe you have kids and want to keep up their education. Maybe you enjoy learning. Maybe you're simply bored and looking for fun ways to spend your extra time.
I'm listening to the popping in my microwave and I start to wonder. How did popcorn, of all things, became such a go-to snack for us. Where'd that get started?
I don't follow a 100% plant-based diet. However, bottom line? As long as you're eating a nutritious variety of plant-based foods, you can get plenty of protein.
I still have to give myself a tiny pep talk before I pop a gummi bear into my mouth. I mean, it's like eating tiny Winnie the Pooh's or something. Ghastly.
I flipped on the light. To my horror, I saw my tomatoes had been mangled in the night. This was the doing of the 'Jasper, the yellow peril.' *cue dramatic music