Imagine getting off after a long day at work, you have the ice chest in the back of the truck, you crack open a beer for your drive home. Some Texans were not too happy back in the day when some new laws went into place.
Hopefully he'll remember that moderation is the key and that too much drink will have your mouth writing checks your bail bondsman will be more than happy to cash.
Do you know someone who is a "cheap drunk"? They could suffer from this condition that turns the body into a brewery even when they're not drinking alcohol.
How much sleep do you get? One in three people are under 7 hours per night, and there are all sorts of scary new health risks that come with that. And if you go without sleep long enough, it's just like being drunk. Yikes!
Authorities in Indiana say a man got so angry when he was arrested for stealing a car that he threatened to eat the police officers who arrested him. To add insult to injury, he also added that he would eat their families and even their dogs!