If you're a single woman, there's a high probability, like 99.999%, that you've run into a man who doesn't want to date you, he just wants to 'play.' Here's what you tell him!
After many conversations, one of the things I hear most often from my women friends is "why can't he just talk to me like a normal person--like just say hello."
It's the most romantic time of the year. Yay! The period between Christmas and Valentine's Day is peak dating season, but that can turn annoying in a hurry thanks to these goofy new trends.
If you haven't found love just yet on Tinder, Bumble, or the plethora of other dating apps there's something new that just might do the trick. Facebook dating is here, and one of us just might have created a hot new profile, looking for you.
After many conversations, one of the things I hear most often from my women friends is "why can't he just talk to me like a normal person--like just say hello."
If you're fed up with your sig other watching the next episode in your favorite Netflix series without you, get him to ink his promise to behave. A Netflix contract might save your relationship.
If you like numbers, 2020 will be full of awesome wedding dates with even numbers and patterns that repeat, so pick one and tie the knot! These dates will be too good to pass up. And happy anniversary soon to all of you who got married on 7-7-07 too.
How about this one. "If you were a flower you’d be a daaaamnnn-delion."
If you're on the dating apps, prepare yourself for more awesome opening lines for Valentine's Day.
This is the biggest online dating week of the year, with a fresh new crop of people looking for love. Not all of them are putting emphasis on the importance of a good profile picture. Surely you can add to this list of profile pic pet peeves!