The company that owns Tinder,, Hinge, and OkCupid announced they're going to start letting active daters run background checks on potential love matches.
"Looking for a partner in crime" may not be the best thing to say in a dating app profile. Overused cliches like that kind of defeat the purpose if you're trying to prove that you a true original.
Bumble wants to get in your business, and not just your dating business. The app has a chance to earn some money to put into a startup business, with a special focus on women-owned companies. It could be $25.000!
How about this one. "If you were a flower you’d be a daaaamnnn-delion."
If you're on the dating apps, prepare yourself for more awesome opening lines for Valentine's Day.
This is the biggest online dating week of the year, with a fresh new crop of people looking for love. Not all of them are putting emphasis on the importance of a good profile picture. Surely you can add to this list of profile pic pet peeves!