
70,000 Bees Removed from Walls in a Texas Home
70,000 Bees Removed from Walls in a Texas Home
70,000 Bees Removed from Walls in a Texas Home
What in the world would it sound like to have 70 to 80,000 honey bees crawling around inside the walls in your house? One Texas woman finally got rid of them after 40 years of bee problems, and if you want to, you can buy some of the honey as a souvenir.
The Bees Are Coming
The Bees Are Coming
The Bees Are Coming
One spring day a few years back I walked out into my back yard and heard a buzzing sound loud enough to be a small saw, and I looked up into my arbor and noticed an enormous bee hive hanging down from the rafters.  I had never seen so many bees in my life!  Small ones, one on top of the other, all layered to form the hive.  I don't know how bees don't get claustrophobic living like that, but the b