With April Fool's Day coming up on Monday, you'll need to be on your toes to make sure no one pranks you, including the folks behind this legendary Louisiana product.
With April Fool's Day tomorrow, watch out for the tricks and pranks today at the office.
Twenty-five percent of workers are willing to risk getting fired to pull one over on you at work.
Do you love April Fools Day? Some people live for it and plan their attack all year long, and finally unleash the fun on April 1. Others of us just let it fly right by and barely notice it.
April Fools Day is just around the corner. This day is the perfect excuse to prank your loved one without getting in trouble. You can't get in trouble, it's April Fools! Okay, don't take my word on that. But you need to start planning your pranks now so that you can make sure you're the prankster, not the one being pranked.