Do you have heath insurance and live in Texas? If you answered no, you're not alone. It turns out, Texas is leading the nation with the most uninsured Americans.

According to this article from Every Texan, which discusses the 2022 Census data and focused on the uninsured population, they found that Texas continues to have the highest rate in the US of residents without health insurance. It actually was an improvement from years before- where over five million Texans reported not having healthcare coverage.

Just how many Texans are uninsured? 17% of Texans lack health insurance- that's an estimated 4.9 million residents. That's compared to a national average of about 8%.

Axios maps out the entire country and shows which counties in Texas have the most residents without insurance- the darker spots signify a higher count.

5 Million Texans Without Health Insurance: A Growing Concern

Now, obviously, because the state of Texas is so big, there's going to be a higher population- and among that will be those without insurance. But why are so many Texans uninsured?

The uninsured rate is driven by many different factors such the state's decision not to expand Medicaid, high healthcare costs, and a significant population of low-income workers who cannot afford insurance.

Texas 2036, a nonprofit organization focused on addressing the long-term challenges facing Texas such as education, healthcare and more, has held multi-year studies where they deduce that many Texans are actually eligible for some type of subsidy, but simply don't know that they can sign up. Texas 2036 works to engage citizens, businesses, and policymakers in shaping effective solutions for the state's most pressing problems.

You can find out more about Texas 2036 here.

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Gallery Credit: Kelsee Pitman

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Gallery Credit: Billy Jenkins