A car thief in Texas led police on a 20 minute chase before exiting his vehicle and being shot 7 times by the pursuing officers. (Graphic Video)

Fort Worth police chased a car thief all over the north side of town before a spike strip deflated his tires and helped bring the pursuit to an end.

That ended the chase but the drama was just getting started.

With his tires shredding, the suspect starts having trouble controlling the stolen truck he's driving and eventually stops at a gas station where, holding a long gun, he tries to steal another vehicle.

He is seen carjacking an occupied white SUV as the victim runs off, at which point five officers fired their guns multiple times, according to Noakes. As police halted their gunfire, they continued to give the suspect orders to drop his weapon. The footage shows the suspect getting out of the white SUV, walking away, and pointing his gun to his head. - Star Telegram

The video above, released to the public by Fort Worth PD, contains the chase from dash cams in the police cars and aerial footage from a police helicopter.

Following the attempted car jacking, the cops open up on him, striking him 7 times. He was taken to the hospital where he seems to be doing ok. This happened July 11th.

There Were Other Pursuits And Police Shootings In Fort Worth That Same Week.

The day before, (7/10), and the day after, (7/12), Fort Worth PD were involved in 2 other shootings. Both also involved pursuits, both involved multiple officers and the suspects were both hit several times. Both of those suspects died.

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Gallery Credit: Tommy Paradise, Townsquare Media, Canva

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Gallery Credit: unsplash.com, Getty Images,

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