We always want to commend people that do heroic things, and we see plenty of those types of things happen in Amarillo on a daily basis. You would imagine most everyone else would want to give someone a pat on the back for doing such a thing.

Well, we just had that kind of thing happen here, and sadly, someone big decided NOT to commend this person for their heroic act and quick thinking.

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According to a Facebook post, a security guard at Walmart noticed a car on fire and ran out to the parking lot to help. On his way, he grabbed a fire extinguisher to help put out the blaze.

As he arrived at the car, he noticed there were children in the car. The security guard acted quickly and started spraying the extinguisher on the car. This act no doubt saved some lives, and young ones at that.

Unfortunately, Walmart didn't see the act the same way everyone else did. While this guard was being labeled a hero by everyone around him, his employer was busy admonishing him for what he did.

As you can see by the post above, the guard ultimately ended up in trouble with his bosses for leaving his post, no matter what was going on. There are several comments as to why people believe he got in trouble for doing that.

No matter what the reason is, Walmart should NOT be up set with this employee. So what if someone took off with a couple hundred dollars in merchandise they didn't purchase. You have insurance, it's covered.

So what if the guard injured himself trying to save multiple peoples lives with this act. I'm sure your company can handle covering the medical costs for a sprained ankle or whatever, right?

What you can't replace are the lives that could've been potentially lost in this event. For that, he is a true hero, no matter what his employer may think or feel. I'm glad to see he's looking for a new job, because if you can't appreciate this type of employee, you will never appreciate anyone.

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