Top Five ‘F!?K’ The Man Songs
Everyone has wanted to tell the boss, or a judge, or a politician to go screw themselves. There a lot of jobs out there with bosses that won't get off your back and never gives you a day off. There are judges that make you work for free (for the troublemakers) and politicians that want to take your money and make you work harder to make ends meet. Wel...
Halloween Parties and Events in Tyler/Longview – Our Top Five
Candy, costumes, and more candy. Halloween is a favorite among kids. Dressing up as their favorite super hero or Disney channel star is a must. But we also want to keep it safe for the kids and even maybe a little something for the adults. Here is our top five events to ensure a fun and safe holiday...
Norway Prisoners Living It Up
Prisoners in Norway will be living the high life if they make it to Halden prison. In the far east of Norway, the newly constructed prison has more luxuries than those of us who obey the law and work for a living can afford. Read more after the jump.
Media Baron Denies Phone Hacking Scandal
Media Baron Rupert Murdoch has denied any involvement in his British press operations phone hacking scandal. How far did this hacking go, and whose privacy was taken away in this 'Big Brother' scheme? Read on to find out.
Another Celebrity Gets Off Lightly
Once again a celebrity breaks the law and gets a light sentence. This time it is rap star/actor Ja Rule. Police stop him for speeding and find a gun, then he turns around and gets popped for tax evasion. What is his sentence? Find out after the jump
Cash Cab Hits Pedestrian
Who would think game shows could be dangerous. I mean some shows you might have to eat something disgusting or perform some simple stunt, but what if your not even a contestant? A pedestrian was struck by the 'Cash Cab' late Saturday while crossing the street. Read more after the jump.
Woman Chops Off Husband’s ‘Manhood”
There are many things a woman can to do a man. Keying his car, calling and hanging up, or just having his ass kicked by a hired thug. Catherine Kieu Becker decided it would be better to drug her husband, tie him up, then take a stroll into the kitchen to see if her shiny kitchen knife will cut through anything -- she did know she wasn't cutting a sushi roll right? -- More disturbing news after the
Charlie Sheen Dead?!
Can it be true? It is all over Facebook and Twitter, so it has to be true. Did the Tiger blood cease to flow through the veins of Charlie Sheen? The heart of the 45-year-old former Two and a Half Men star seems to have stopped just as he was starting to win. Read on to find out the truth.
Top Five Unexpected Crossover Cover Songs [VIDEO]
There are many artists in the music world that cover songs. The majority of the time it is within the same genre. Every so often, artists will look outside their own realm and cover something far from their style. I have put together a list of five songs where this phenomenon occurs. I have put both videos up, so lets see how far out these artists go.
What The Flag Means To Me Is___________.
The American flag represents pride, freedom, and glory that we have for our United States. But what does it mean? The stars, stripes, and colors all represent something. There is also a patriotic way to treat the Stars and Stripes. When a flag gets old and worn out, there is a way to properly honor it when you relieve it of its duty. Even when raising/lowering the flag and folding it, there are ru
Best Ultimate Rock Ballads
We have talked among ourselves and came up with our own list of Ultimate Rock Ballads. Take a look back in time and see if you agree with us.
Tomato — The Fruit Of Vegetables
Wow! Who would have guessed that the tomato is actually a fruit? Well in 1893 a Supreme Court decision actually declared it a vegetable. Makes you look at those thick slices on your burger differently. With over 7500 varieties, tomatos are used in so many ways. With so many uses, there are many a great recipe out there. The upcoming Jacksonville Tomato Fest should offer up some awesome ways to use