
What do we want? American Horror Story! When do we want it? NOW! The wait for American Horror Story Season 2 has been a long and excruciating ordeal. With no hope in sight, what must a fan do? 

Watching season 1 of the creepy show, American Horror Story, was a nail biting experience. The revolutionary idea to have a scary movie extended into a full season of episodes was genius. But, the excitement soon faded as the season came to an end.

As a loyal Netflix watcher, I have waited for the release of the second season of this show that so cleverly captured my heart. But, the patience I once had for this wait has left the building.

Are you tapping your toes in anticipation as well? With Halloween almost upon us and the third season already underway, how much longer must we wait for the second season?

I guess all that can be done is watch these promos, over and over, until the season is released.

OOO, it looks so good!

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