Brian Lamb, a student at Tyler Junior College, was inspired to do his part to “Replenish” the world’s water supply, and he’s starting right here in East Texas.

Lamb started an organization called Replenish, which will work to provide clean water in all parts of the world that don’t have the same luxury we do.

On his website, Lamb says he was inspired to start Replenish by seeing the work done by TOMs, which provides a pair of shoes to a child in need for each pair of shoes purchased.

I want to create community awareness, not only in East Texas but hopefully in the United States at some point, because we have the privilege of clean water everywhere we look.

For every tablet, like I said, it purifies an entire liter of water and if we sell a case, we donate this part of the LifeStraw family, and this is called a personal life straw, and that provides an individual for an entire year of clean water. And then if we sell three cases to a person, then we donate a LifeStraw family, and that actually provides an entire family of four for three whole years of clean water.

Lamb also said that 10 percent of all proceeds go toward building water wells in Africa.

Click here to visit the Replenish website and find out more information on how you can help.

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